How-to books make up 0.3 of the books in the school library. Of these, 0.2 deal with carpentry and 0.4 deal with electronics.

Interpret what the answer 0.12 represents in this equation above.

(1 point)

The answer 0.12 represents the proportion of how-to books in the school library that deal with both carpentry and electronics.

How-to books make up 0.3 of the books in the school library. Of these, 0.2 deal with carpentry and 0.4 deal with electronics.

Interpret what the answer 0.12 represents in this equation above.

(1 point)

the portion of the how-to books that are about either carpentry or electronics
the portion of the how-to books that are about either carpentry or electronics

the portion of books in the library that are how-to books
the portion of books in the library that are how-to books

the portion of books in the library that are how-to books on carpentry
the portion of books in the library that are how-to books on carpentry

the portion of the books in the library that are how-to books on electronics
the portion of the books in the library that are how-to books on electronics

The answer 0.12 represents the portion of the how-to books in the school library that are about both carpentry and electronics.

Sara discarded 1/10 of the apples she picked as defective. Of the apples remaining, 300 were made into cider. The rest were sold as fresh fruit. What fraction of the total apples picked were sold as fresh fruit?(1 point)

To find the fraction of the total apples picked that were sold as fresh fruit, we first need to determine how many apples were left after discarding the defective ones.

If Sara discarded 1/10 of the apples, this means 9/10 of the apples remained.
Out of the remaining apples, 300 were made into cider.

So, 9/10 - 300/total apples = fraction of apples sold as fresh fruit.

To determine the fraction, we need to find the common denominator between 10 and the total number of apples. However, without knowing the total number of apples, we cannot calculate the exact fraction.

The town of Oak Manor measures 3.8 miles by 4.2 miles. Solve for the total area.(1 point)


16 mi2
16 mi squared

8 mi2
8 mi squared

15.96 mi
15.96 mi

15.96 mi2

To calculate the total area of Oak Manor, we need to multiply the length and width of the town.

Accomplishing this:
A = length × width
A = 3.8 miles × 4.2 miles
A = 15.96 square miles

Therefore, the total area of Oak Manor is 15.96 square miles.

A diver searches for a sunken treasure that is 97.2

feet below the surface. What is the diver's elevation when he is 2/3 of the way down? (1 point)

−145.8 ft.
negative 145 point 8 ft.

negative 32 point 4 ft.

negative 48 point 5 ft.


To find the diver's elevation when he is 2/3 of the way down, we need to multiply the depth of the treasure by 2/3, and then subtract it from the surface level.

Calculating this:
Depth = 97.2 feet
2/3 of the depth = (2/3) * 97.2 = 64.8 feet

Elevation = Surface level - 2/3 of the depth
Elevation = 0 - 64.8 = -64.8 feet

Therefore, the diver's elevation when he is 2/3 of the way down is -64.8 feet.

A basketball player is 6 2/3 feet tall. His infant son is 1/4 as tall. How tall is his son?(1 point)