what is the usage og know or knew in the versus og genesis 4:17

In the verse Genesis 4:17, both "know" and "knew" are used, but in different contexts:

1. "And Cain knew his wife": Here, "knew" is used in a biblical sense to refer to sexual relations or marital intimacy.

2. "And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived": Again, "knew" is used to indicate sexual relations, leading to conception.

In both instances, the usage of "knew" emphasizes the act of sexual union between Cain and his wife, resulting in the conception of their child.

The verse you are referencing is Genesis 4:17 from the Bible. In this verse, the words "know" and "knew" are used in the context of indicating marital relations or sexual intercourse.

To provide a step-by-step breakdown:

1. Genesis 4:17 reads: "Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch."
2. The term "knew" in this context is often interpreted as a euphemism for sexual intercourse.
3. In the Bible, the word "knew" is frequently used to denote the intimate relationship between a husband and wife.
4. Since Cain is said to have known his wife, it implies that they had sexual relations.
5. The result of their union was the conception and birth of their son Enoch.

In summary, "know" and "knew" are used in Genesis 4:17 to describe the intimate relationship between Cain and his wife, which eventually led to the birth of their son Enoch.