What principle of design is present in this image?

(1 point)

O symmetrical balance from shape usage

radial balance from line usage

O emphasis from color usage

movement from texture usage

movement from texture usage

To determine the principle of design present in an image, you need to carefully analyze the elements and components of the image. Here's how you can analyze the given image to find the principle of design:

1. Symmetrical Balance: Check if the shapes in the image are balanced symmetrically. This means that if you were to imagine a line down the middle of the image, the shapes on either side would be similar or identical. If the image exhibits symmetrical balance, then the principle of design is symmetrical balance from shape usage.

2. Radial Balance: Examine the lines in the image and see if they radiate from a central point, creating a sense of balance and harmony. If you notice radial lines emanating from a central point in the image, then the principle of design is radial balance from line usage.

3. Emphasis: Observe the use of color in the image. If certain colors are more dominant or stand out, drawing attention to specific areas or elements, then the principle of design is emphasis from color usage.

4. Movement: Analyze the texture in the image. If the texture creates a sense of dynamism or leads the viewer's eye to move along a certain path, then the principle of design is movement from texture usage.

By carefully evaluating the image using the above guidelines, you should be able to determine which principle of design is present.

Based on the information provided, it is not possible to determine the principle of design present in the image. Without a visual representation of the image or further context, it is difficult to identify the principle of design being utilized.