Eric earns a weekly salary and a commission on each item that he sells. The equation y = 10x + 50 represents the amount of money that Eric earns weekly. Bailey earns a greater weekly salary than Eric but the same commission rate. Which graph could represent the amount of money that Bailey earns weekly, y, based on the number of items sold, x?

A graph titled Bailey's Weekly Earnings has items sold on the x-axis and total earned on the y-axis. A line goes through points (0, 75), (5, 125), (10, 175).
A graph titled Bailey's Weekly Earnings has items sold on the x-axis and total earned on the y-axis. A line goes through points (0, 50), (1, 75), (2, 100).
A graph titled Bailey's Weekly Earnings has items sold on the x-axis and total earned on the y-axis. A line goes through points (0, 75), (1, 100), (2, 125).
A graph titled Bailey's Weekly Earnings has items sold on the x-axis and total earned on the y-axis. A line goes through points (0, 50), (5, 100), (10, 150).

The correct graph that could represent the amount of money that Bailey earns weekly is:

A graph titled Bailey's Weekly Earnings has items sold on the x-axis and total earned on the y-axis. A line goes through points (0, 50), (1, 75), (2, 100).

The correct graph that represents the amount of money that Bailey earns weekly, y, based on the number of items sold, x, is:

A graph titled Bailey's Weekly Earnings has items sold on the x-axis and total earned on the y-axis. A line goes through points (0, 75), (1, 100), (2, 125).