Rachel has been offered full-time sales positions at two different furniture stores. The first store will pay her a weekly salary of $250 plus a commission of 12% of her sales. The second store will pay her a weekly salary of $475 plus an 8% commission.

If x represents Rachel’s weekly sales (in dollars) and y represents her total earnings (in dollars), which system of equations describes the problem situation?

a. y=0.12x

b. y=250+12x

c. y=250x+12

d. y=250+0.12x

My answer is D but idk if it it right :/

it is

thank you so much R_scott

its not

it is

Your answer, option D, is correct. The system of equations in option D correctly represents the problem situation.

Let's break down the problem to understand why option D is the correct choice.

In the first furniture store, Rachel's weekly earnings consist of a fixed salary of $250 plus a commission of 12% on her sales. This can be represented by the equation:
y = 250 + 0.12x

In the second furniture store, Rachel's weekly earnings consist of a fixed salary of $475 plus a commission of 8% on her sales. This can be represented by the equation:
y = 475 + 0.08x

Therefore, the correct system of equations that describes Rachel's situation is:
y = 250 + 0.12x
y = 475 + 0.08x

This system matches option D, so your answer is correct!