Which pronoun correctly completes the sentence? Select the correct answer from the list.(1 point)

The movie,
was over two hours long, was not as interesting as I thought it would be.

The movie, which was over two hours long, was not as interesting as I thought it would be.


Which pronouns correctly complete the sentences? Select the correct answer from the list.(1 point)
Our garage,
has rust spots, needs to be painted. The people next door painted their garage a bright yellow color
we like very m

Our garage, which has rust spots, needs to be painted. The people next door painted their garage a bright yellow color, which we like very much.

se the sentence to answer the question.

In the morning, Robert cooked **waffles** for breakfast.

What is the term for the bold noun?

(1 point)

direct object
direct object


indirect object
indirect object

noun in a prepositional phrase

The term for the bold noun "waffles" is a direct object.

The pronoun that correctly completes the sentence is "which."

To determine which pronoun correctly completes the sentence, we need to find the noun that the pronoun is referring to. In this case, the noun is "The movie." So, we need to choose a pronoun that matches the noun in both number and gender.

Given the options are not provided, but I will assume the options could be "it" or "they."

Since "The movie" is a singular noun, we should use a singular pronoun. Therefore, the correct pronoun that completes the sentence is "it."

Thus, the correct answer is "it."