Which of the following categories would an article about the environmental impact of recycling most likely fall into?(1 point)



narrative nonfiction


informative nonfiction

informative nonfiction

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The article about the environmental impact of recycling would most likely fall into the category of informative nonfiction.

To determine which category an article about the environmental impact of recycling would most likely fall into, we need to understand the characteristics of each category.

1. Memoir: This category typically involves a personal account or reflection on specific events or experiences. It focuses on the author's individual perspective rather than providing objective information on a particular topic. Therefore, an article about the environmental impact of recycling would not fit in this category.

2. Narrative nonfiction: This category involves storytelling techniques to present true events or information in a compelling and narrative manner. While an article about the environment might incorporate storytelling elements, the primary focus is on presenting factual information and data rather than constructing a full narrative. Therefore, this category might not be the best fit for such an article.

3. Biography: This category involves a detailed account of someone's life, highlighting important events and experiences. Since an article about the environmental impact of recycling deals with broader issues and impacts rather than an individual's life story, it would not typically fall into the category of biography.

4. Informative nonfiction: This category encompasses works that provide factual information, explanations, and analysis on a particular subject. An article about the environmental impact of recycling would fit well within this category as it aims to educate readers about the topic, present research and data, and provide a comprehensive analysis of the subject matter.

Therefore, the most fitting category for an article about the environmental impact of recycling would be "informative nonfiction."