Read the following two statements. Then use the Law of Syllogism to draw a conclusion.

If a number is a multiple of 64, then it is a multiple of 8.
If a number is a multiple of 8, then it is a multiple of 2.

Based on the Law of Syllogism, we can draw the following conclusion:

If a number is a multiple of 64, then it is a multiple of 2.

To apply the Law of Syllogism, we need to have two statements in the form "If A then B" and "If B then C." Let's assign letters to each statement:

Statement 1: If a number is a multiple of 64, then it is a multiple of 8. (A --> B)
Statement 2: If a number is a multiple of 8, then it is a multiple of 2. (B --> C)

Now we can apply the Law of Syllogism:

Step 1: If A --> B (Statement 1) and B --> C (Statement 2), then we can conclude A --> C.

So, the conclusion is: If a number is a multiple of 64, then it is a multiple of 2.