A granite monument has a volume of 25,365.4 cm3. The density of granite is 2.7 g/cm3. Use this information to calculate the mass of the monument to the nearest tenth.

The mass of the granite monument is

To calculate the mass of the granite monument, we can use the formula:

Mass = Density * Volume

Where the density of granite is 2.7 g/cm^3 and the volume of the monument is 25,365.4 cm^3.

Substituting these values into the formula, we get:

Mass = 2.7 g/cm^3 * 25,365.4 cm^3

Calculating this expression, we find that the mass of the granite monument is:

Mass ≈ 68613.18 g

Rounding this to the nearest tenth, the mass of the monument is approximately:

Mass ≈ 68613.2 g

To calculate the mass of the granite monument, you need to multiply its volume by the density.

Step 1: Multiply the volume (25,365.4 cm^3) by the density (2.7 g/cm^3):

25,365.4 cm^3 * 2.7 g/cm^3 = 68,632.58 g

Step 2: Round the result to the nearest tenth:

68,632.58 g rounded to the nearest tenth = 68,632.6 g

Therefore, the mass of the granite monument is approximately 68,632.6 g.