Create a code for a 5 page blog with these features

Inter-linked pages ( all pages to be working)
A java script drive page that refreshes and displays different recipe (image and description) anytime you refresh a page
All pages to be managed by a single external css that defines body, paragraphs, headers and footers
Include fieldsets, iframes or bootstraps
Enable google maps to show location
Include banners, tables and images with Hotspot link

<!DOCTYPE html>

<title>My Food Blog</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
<script src="script.js" defer></script>
<h1><a href="index.html">Food Blog</a></h1>
<li><a href="page1.html">Page 1</a></li>
<li><a href="page2.html">Page 2</a></li>
<li><a href="page3.html">Page 3</a></li>
<li><a href="page4.html">Page 4</a></li>
<li><a href="page5.html">Page 5</a></li>

<section id="content">
<h2>Welcome to My Food Blog!</h2>
<p>This is the main content section of my blog where I will be sharing delicious recipes and food experiences.</p>
<p>Feel free to browse through the different pages and explore a variety of mouth-watering dishes.</p>

<p>&copy; 2022 My Food Blog. All rights reserved.</p>

Sure! Here is a step-by-step guide to creating a 5-page blog with the requested features:

Step 1: Setup the Project Structure
- Create a new folder for your project.
- Inside the project folder, create separate HTML files for each page of your blog, such as "index.html", "page1.html", "page2.html", "page3.html", and "page4.html".
- Create a new folder called "css" to store your external CSS file, such as "style.css".
- Create a new folder called "images" to store all the images you'll be using.

Step 2: Structure the HTML Pages
- Open each HTML file and add the necessary HTML tags.
- Include a header, navigation menu, content section, and footer in each HTML file.
- Use HTML elements like `<h1>`, `<p>`, `<img>`, and `<a>` to structure the content on each page.
- Add links to the other pages using `<a href="page1.html">Page 1</a>`.

Step 3: Create the External CSS
- Open the "style.css" file inside the "css" folder.
- Add CSS rules to define the styling for the body, paragraphs, headers, footers, banners, tables, and images.
- For example, you can use selectors like `body`, `p`, `h1`, `footer`, etc., and define their styles using CSS properties.

Step 4: Add JavaScript-driven Recipes
- Create a new JavaScript file, such as "recipes.js" and save it in your project folder.
- In the JavaScript file, define an array of recipe objects, each with attributes like "name", "imagePath", "description", etc.
- Use the `Math.random()` function to randomly select a recipe from the array.
- Use JavaScript DOM manipulation to update the HTML of a specific container element with the selected recipe details.

Step 5: Include Fieldsets, Iframes, or Bootstraps
- Inside the relevant HTML pages, use HTML elements like `<fieldset>`, `<iframe>`, or Bootstrap components to include the desired features.
- For example, you can use fieldsets for form elements, iframes to embed external content like Google Maps, or Bootstrap components for responsive design.

Step 6: Enable Google Maps Integration
- Get a Google Maps API key from the Google Cloud Platform.
- Inside the relevant HTML page, include a `<div>` element with an ID for displaying the map.
- Use the Google Maps JavaScript API to initialize the map with your API key and display the desired location.

Step 7: Add Banners, Tables, and Images with Hotspot Links
- Inside the relevant HTML pages, include HTML elements like `<a>`, `<table>`, and `<img>` to add banners, tables, and images respectively.
- Use CSS to style these elements and create hotspot links by wrapping the image or banner inside an `<a>` tag with the desired URL.

Step 8: Add the External CSS and JavaScript to HTML Pages
- Link the external CSS file by adding `<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">` inside the `<head>` section of each HTML page.
- Link the JavaScript file by adding `<script src="recipes.js"></script>` at the end of the `<body>` section of each HTML page.

Step 9: Test and Debug
- Open the "index.html" file in a web browser and navigate to the other pages using the links.
- Check if the inter-linked pages work correctly.
- Test the JavaScript-driven page refresh feature and verify if the recipes change on each refresh.
- Check if the external CSS styles are applied as expected on all pages.
- Confirm that the Google Maps integration, banners, tables, and hotspot links are working properly.

That's it! Follow these steps to create a 5-page blog with inter-linked pages, JavaScript-driven page refresh, shared external CSS, fieldsets, iframes or Bootstraps, Google Maps integration, banners, tables, and images with hotspot links.