For each of the following arguments, conclude whether the reasoning is correct or flawed in some way. If the reasoning is flawed, classify the faulty reasoning as circular reasoning, paradox or false premise.

- Living a happy life is my top priority because nothing is as important as being happy.

The reasoning in this argument is flawed. It can be classified as circular reasoning. The argument simply states that living a happy life is the top priority because nothing is as important as being happy, but it does not provide any further evidence or reasoning to support this claim. The initial premise is restated as the conclusion without any additional support, making it circular in nature.

The reasoning in the argument is flawed, and it can be classified as circular reasoning. Circular reasoning occurs when the conclusion is already assumed in the premise, creating a circular pattern of reasoning. In this argument, the conclusion is that living a happy life is the top priority, and it is supported by the premise that nothing is as important as being happy. However, this premise assumes the conclusion, as it merely restates the desired outcome ("living a happy life") without providing any further justification or evidence. Therefore, the argument lacks solid reasoning and could be considered flawed due to circular reasoning.