What would an investigation into the cultural impacts of the Enlightenment conclude?(1 point) Responses It would conclude that the power of monarchs was expanded. I. It would conclude that the Enlightenment increased the authority of the Catholic Church. It would conclude that the Enlightenment led to the rise of new political structures and governments. It would conclude that the Enlightenment led to the rise of new political structures and governments. It would conclude that traditional ideas were favored over empirical observations.

The correct response is:

It would conclude that the Enlightenment led to the rise of new political structures and governments.

The Enlightenment, also known as the Age of Reason, was a philosophical and intellectual movement that emerged in the 18th century. It challenged traditional authority and emphasized reason, science, and individualism. As a result, it laid the groundwork for the development of new political structures and governments that prioritized concepts such as individual rights, popular sovereignty, and the separation of powers.

An investigation into the cultural impacts of the Enlightenment would not conclude that the power of monarchs was expanded. Instead, it would conclude that the Enlightenment led to the rise of new political structures and governments. Additionally, it would conclude that traditional ideas were challenged and empirical observations were favored over them. The authority of the Catholic Church was also questioned and diminished during this time.

To investigate the cultural impacts of the Enlightenment, one would need to examine historical documents, scholarly articles, and other resources that discuss the period in detail. By conducting research, analyzing primary and secondary sources, and drawing on evidence, one could arrive at several conclusions:

1. The power of monarchs was reduced: The Enlightenment challenged the divine right of kings and advocated for principles such as individual rights, popular sovereignty, and the separation of powers. These ideas ultimately diminished the absolute power of monarchs.

2. The Enlightenment weakened the authority of the Catholic Church: The movement emphasized reason, scientific inquiry, and individual freedom of thought, which clashed with the Church's dogma and traditional authority. As a result, the influence of the Catholic Church declined in many areas, giving way to secular and scientific perspectives.

3. The Enlightenment fostered the rise of new political structures and governments: Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke and Montesquieu championed ideas such as natural rights and the social contract, which influenced the development of constitutional democracies and the overthrow of absolute monarchies. The American and French Revolutions were direct outcomes of Enlightenment ideals.

4. Empirical observation and reason gained favor over traditional ideas: The Enlightenment celebrated rationality, empiricism, and the scientific method. Philosophers, scientists, and intellectuals challenged traditional beliefs and customs, favoring knowledge based on evidence and observation. This shift in thinking had significant cultural and intellectual ramifications during the era.

In summary, an investigation into the cultural impacts of the Enlightenment would conclude that the power of monarchs was reduced; the authority of the Catholic Church weakened; new political structures and governments emerged; and traditional ideas were challenged and often supplanted by empirical observations and reason.