Let's see how many winners ended up getting unanimous jury votes to win the game. Create a Dataframe that shows the survivors that got unanimous jury votes with these columns in the final output: season, season_name, winner_id, full_name. The DataFrame should be sorted by season and the index should go from 0 to n-1. Save this as Q12.

To create the desired DataFrame, you will need the following information from the Survivor Dataset: season, season_name, winner_id, and full_name.

Here's the code to create the DataFrame sorted by season, with the specified columns:

import pandas as pd

# Load the Survivor Dataset
survivor_data = pd.read_csv('survivor_data.csv')

# Filter the DataFrame to include only the winners who received unanimous jury votes
unanimous_winners = survivor_data[survivor_data['jury_votes'] == survivor_data['players'].max()]

# Create the desired DataFrame with the specified columns
Q12 = unanimous_winners[['season', 'season_name', 'winner_id', 'full_name']].sort_values('season').reset_index(drop=True)

# Show the DataFrame

Make sure to replace `'survivor_data.csv'` with the actual filename/path of your Survivor Dataset.

To create the desired DataFrame, we need to gather the required information from the given data. However, you have not provided any specific dataset or source. Please provide the necessary data or specify the source so that I can proceed with creating the DataFrame accordingly.