Identify the vote result a candidate needs to win a primary or caucus.(1 point) Responses supermajority vote supermajority vote majority vote majority vote unanimous vote unanimous vote plurality vote

majority vote

The vote result a candidate needs to win a primary or caucus is a majority vote.

The vote result that a candidate needs to win a primary or caucus is a majority vote. A majority vote means that the candidate must receive more than half of the total votes cast. This is the most common requirement for winning a primary or caucus.

To determine if a candidate has received a majority vote, you would need to know the total number of votes cast and calculate whether the candidate has received over 50% of the votes.

For example, if there are 100 votes in total, a candidate would need to receive at least 51 votes to win with a majority vote.

It is important to note that different states and political parties may have variations in their voting rules. Some may require a plurality vote, which means the candidate with the highest number of votes, even if it is not a majority, wins. Others may use a supermajority vote, which typically requires a higher threshold than a simple majority. Unanimous vote refers to a situation where all voters agree on a single candidate receiving all the votes, and it is less commonly used in primary or caucus elections.