In two sentences each,explain reasons why government should use development plan in the country

1) A development plan enables the government to outline long-term goals and objectives, ensuring a clear roadmap for the country's growth and progress. It helps in effectively allocating resources, prioritizing sectors, and coordinating policies, leading to sustainable and balanced development.

2) By implementing a development plan, the government can foster economic stability, reduce poverty levels, and improve living conditions for its citizens. It provides a framework for attracting investments, promoting job creation, and enhancing infrastructure, resulting in overall socio-economic advancement.

1. A development plan is essential for governments as it provides a strategic framework and roadmap to guide the country's economic progress and growth, ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently and effectively.

2. It allows governments to set clear objectives, prioritize initiatives, and monitor progress, thus enabling them to make informed decisions, foster stability, and create a conducive environment for investment, job creation, and overall development.