1. Users should be able to use to populate the following arrays:

Array Contents
Developer Contains the names of all the developers
assigned to tasks
Task Names Contains the names of all the created tasks
Task ID Contains the generated taskID’s for all tasks
Task Duration Contains the Duration of all tasks
Task Status Contains the Status of all tasks
2. Users should be able to use these arrays to:
a. Display the Developer, Task Names and Task Duration for all tasks with the status of
b. Display the Developer and Duration of the class with the longest duration.
c. Search for a task with a Task Name and display the Task Name, Developer and Task
d. Search for all tasks assigned to a developer and display the Task Name and Task
e. Delete a task using the Task Name.
f. Display a report that lists the full details of all captured tasks.

To implement the above requirements, you can use the following code snippet in a programming language like Python:

# Initialize empty arrays
Developer = []
Task_Names = []
Task_ID = []
Task_Duration = []
Task_Status = []

# Function to populate arrays
def populate_arrays():
while True:
dev = input("Enter developer name (or 'done' to stop): ")
if dev == 'done':
task_name = input("Enter task name: ")
task_id = input("Enter task ID: ")
task_duration = int(input("Enter task duration: "))
task_status = input("Enter task status: ")


# Function to display tasks with the status of done
def display_done_tasks():
print("Tasks with status 'done':")
for i in range(len(Task_Status)):
if Task_Status[i] == 'done':
print("Developer:", Developer[i])
print("Task Name:", Task_Names[i])
print("Task Duration:", Task_Duration[i])

# Function to display developer and duration of the task with the longest duration
def display_longest_duration():
max_duration = max(Task_Duration)
max_duration_index = Task_Duration.index(max_duration)

print("Task with longest duration:")
print("Developer:", Developer[max_duration_index])
print("Task Duration:", Task_Duration[max_duration_index])

# Function to search for a task by name and display its details
def search_task_by_name():
task_name = input("Enter task name to search: ")
for i in range(len(Task_Names)):
if Task_Names[i] == task_name:
print("Task Name:", Task_Names[i])
print("Developer:", Developer[i])
print("Task Status:", Task_Status[i])
print("Task not found!")

# Function to search for all tasks assigned to a developer and display details
def search_tasks_by_developer():
developer_name = input("Enter developer name to search tasks: ")
found_tasks = False
for i in range(len(Developer)):
if Developer[i] == developer_name:
print("Task Name:", Task_Names[i])
print("Task Status:", Task_Status[i])
found_tasks = True
if not found_tasks:
print("No tasks found for developer", developer_name)

# Function to delete a task using the task name
def delete_task():
task_name = input("Enter task name to delete: ")
if task_name in Task_Names:
index = Task_Names.index(task_name)
print("Task deleted successfully!")
print("Task not found!")

# Function to display a report with full task details
def display_full_report():
print("Full Task Report:")
for i in range(len(Task_Names)):
print("Task Name:", Task_Names[i])
print("Task ID:", Task_ID[i])
print("Developer:", Developer[i])
print("Task Duration:", Task_Duration[i])
print("Task Status:", Task_Status[i])

# Example usage

Note: This is just a basic implementation to showcase the functionality. You can modify and enhance it based on your specific needs and programming language.

To achieve the functionality mentioned, you can follow these steps:

1. Initialize the arrays:
- Create an empty array named "Developer" to store the names of all developers assigned to tasks.
- Create an empty array named "Task Names" to store the names of all created tasks.
- Create an empty array named "Task ID" to store the generated task IDs for all tasks.
- Create an empty array named "Task Duration" to store the duration of all tasks.
- Create an empty array named "Task Status" to store the status of all tasks.

2. Populate the arrays:
- To populate the "Developer" array, you can prompt the user to enter the names of the developers assigned to tasks and add each name to the array.
- To populate the "Task Names" array, you can prompt the user to enter the names of the tasks created and add each name to the array.
- To populate the "Task ID" array, you can generate a unique task ID for each task created and add it to the array.
- To populate the "Task Duration" array, you can prompt the user to enter the duration of each task and add it to the array.
- To populate the "Task Status" array, you can prompt the user to enter the status of each task and add it to the array.

3. Display Developer, Task Names, and Task Duration for tasks with the status "done":
- Iterate over the "Task Status" array and check if the status of each task is "done".
- If the status is "done", get the corresponding developer, task name, and task duration using the indexes from the other arrays.
- Display the developer, task name, and task duration.

4. Display Developer and Duration of the task with the longest duration:
- Find the index of the task with the longest duration in the "Task Duration" array.
- Use the index to get the corresponding developer and duration from the "Developer" and "Task Duration" arrays.
- Display the developer and duration of the task with the longest duration.

5. Search for a task using its task name and display the Task Name, Developer, and Task Status:
- Prompt the user to enter a task name to search for.
- Iterate over the "Task Names" array and check if the entered task name matches any task.
- If a match is found, get the corresponding developer and task status using the index from the other arrays.
- Display the task name, developer, and task status.

6. Search for all tasks assigned to a developer and display the Task Name and Task Status:
- Prompt the user to enter a developer name to search for.
- Iterate over the "Developer" array and check if the entered developer name matches any developer assigned to tasks.
- If a match is found, get the corresponding task name and task status using the index from the other arrays.
- Display the task name and task status.

7. Delete a task using the task name:
- Prompt the user to enter a task name to delete.
- Iterate over the "Task Names" array and check if the entered task name matches any task.
- If a match is found, remove the corresponding developer, task name, task ID, duration, and status using the index from all arrays.
- Confirm to the user that the task has been deleted.

8. Display a report of all captured tasks:
- Iterate over the arrays and display the full details of each task, including the developer, task name, task ID, duration, and status.

These steps outline the process for implementing the required functionality. You can further refine and customize the implementation based on your specific programming language and environment.