List five basic skills in problem solving related to technology

1. Technical Skills: The ability to understand and navigate various technology platforms, software applications, and devices is crucial in problem-solving. This includes knowledge of operating systems, programming languages, troubleshooting techniques, and general technical know-how.

2. Analytical Skills: Problem-solving in technology often requires analyzing complex issues, breaking them down into smaller components, and identifying patterns or trends. Analytical skills involve being able to gather and evaluate information, think critically, and make logical conclusions.
3. Research Skills: Effective problem-solving in technology often involves researching and gathering relevant information from various sources, such as online forums, technical documentation, and research papers. Being able to conduct thorough and efficient research is vital in understanding and finding possible solutions.
4. Adaptability: Technology is constantly evolving, and problems may arise due to changes in systems, updated software versions, or compatibility issues. Being adaptable and flexible in problem-solving allows individuals to quickly adjust and find alternative solutions when unexpected challenges arise.
5. Communication Skills: Strong communication skills are necessary for problem-solving, especially in team settings. It involves accurately articulating problems or issues, actively listening to others, and effectively conveying ideas or solutions to colleagues, stakeholders, or customers.

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Solve 8x+4≥52. (1 point)
x ≥ 7
x ≥ 2.5
x ≥ 11
x ≥ 6

To solve the inequality 8x + 4 ≥ 52, we can start by subtracting 4 from both sides:

8x ≥ 48

Next, we divide both sides by 8 to isolate the x variable:

x ≥ 6

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is x ≥ 6.

solve 1/4x - 3/4 is greater than 5 1/4

x is greater than 18
x is greater than 24
x is greater than 21 3/4
x is greater than 1 1/2

To solve the inequality (1/4)x - 3/4 > 5 1/4, we first find a common denominator, which is 4. We convert 5 1/4 to an improper fraction:

5 1/4 = (5*4 + 1)/4 = 21/4

Now we can rewrite the inequality:

(1/4)x - 3/4 > 21/4

Next, we can add 3/4 to both sides of the inequality:

(1/4)x > 21/4 + 3/4

Simplifying, we get:

(1/4)x > 24/4

Now, we can divide both sides of the inequality by 1/4 to isolate the variable x:

x > (24/4)/(1/4)

Simplifying further, we get:

x > 24

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is x > 24.

The sum of 4.5 and one-third a number is equal to at most 38.9. What are all the possible values of the number? How would you write an inequality that could be used to solve this problem? (1 point)

4.5+1/3+ n ≤ 38.9, where n is equal to the number.
1/3 n + 4.5 = 38.9, where n is equal to the number.
1/3 n + 4.5 is greater than or equal to 38.9, where n is equal to the number.
1/3 n + 4.5 is less than or equal to 38.9, where n is equal to the number.

To write an inequality that could be used to solve the problem, we need to remember that the sum of 4.5 and one-third of a number is at most 38.9. To express this mathematically, we can use the inequality:

4.5 + (1/3)n ≤ 38.9,

where n is the unknown number.

By rearranging the terms, we can solve for n:

(1/3)n ≤ 38.9 - 4.5,

(1/3)n ≤ 34.4,

n ≤ (34.4)/(1/3),

n ≤ 103.2.

Therefore, all possible values of the number (n) satisfy the inequality n ≤ 103.2.

Solve x + 15 greater than or equal to 3. Make sure to write your inequality so that a comes first.

To solve the inequality x + 15 ≥ 3, we can rearrange it so that a comes first:

15 + x ≥ 3.

Next, we subtract 15 from both sides of the inequality:

x ≥ 3 - 15.

Simplifying, we get:

x ≥ -12.

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is x ≥ -12.

Solve x + 2 1/2 less than 8 Make sure to write your inequality so that a comes first. (1 point)