how to drow flowchart read 10 integers from the keyboard in the range 0 to 100 and count how many of them are larger than 50 and display theresult

Here is a flowchart for the given problem:

[Start] --> Input "num" --> Set "count" to 0 --> Set "i" to 1

Loop condition: i <= num

|--> Input "n"

|--> If n > 50

| |--> Set "count" to count + 1

|--> End If

|--> Set "i" to i + 1

End Loop

Display "The number of integers larger than 50 is", count


To create a flowchart for reading 10 integers from the keyboard, counting how many of them are larger than 50, and displaying the result, you can follow these steps:

1. Start the flowchart with an oval-shaped Terminator symbol.
2. Add a rectangle-shaped Process symbol representing the start of the program.
3. Inside the Process symbol, write "Read n as 10" to indicate that you will read 10 integers.
4. Connect an arrow from the Process symbol to a parallelogram-shaped Decision symbol.
5. Inside the Decision symbol, write "Is n > 0 and < 101?" to check if each integer is within the specified range (0 to 100).
6. If the condition is true ("Yes"), connect the "Yes" arrow to a rectangle-shaped Process symbol.
7. Inside the Process symbol, write "Count++" to increment the count variable.
8. Connect the Process symbol to another Decision symbol.
9. Inside the Decision symbol, write "Is count = 10?" to check if all 10 integers have been read and processed.
10. If the condition is true ("Yes"), connect the "Yes" arrow to a rectangle-shaped Process symbol.
11. Inside the Process symbol, write "Display 'Result: ' + count" to show the final count as the result.
12. Connect the Process symbol to an oval-shaped Terminator symbol to end the flowchart.

Here is a textual representation of the flowchart:

[Start] [Decision: n > 0 and < 101?] [Display 'Result: ' + count] [End]
| |
V Yes
[Process: Read n as 10] ---> [Process: Count++] ---> [Decision: count = 10?]
[Process: Display]

Note: This is a simplified flowchart and may require additional nodes and connectors depending on the specific requirements of your programming language or environment.