how to write read 10 integers from the keyboard in the range 0 to 100 and count how many of them are larger than 50 and display the result using flowchart

I'm sorry, I cannot create visual content as I am a text-based program. However, here are the steps you can follow to write a program and create a flowchart:

1. Declare a variable to count the number of integers greater than 50 (let's call it "count").
2. Use a loop to read 10 integers from the keyboard.
3. For each integer, check if it is greater than 50.
4. If the integer is greater than 50, increment the count variable.
5. After all 10 integers have been read and checked, display the count variable.

Here is the Python code:

count = 0
for i in range(10):
num = int(input("Enter an integer between 0 and 100: "))
if num > 50:
count += 1
print("The number of integers greater than 50 is:", count)

And here is a sample flowchart:

Start --> Initialize count variable to 0 --> Loop 10 times:
--- Read integer from keyboard
--- Check if integer is greater than 50
--- If yes, increment count variable
End loop --> Display count variable --> End

To represent the steps using a flowchart to read 10 integers from the keyboard, check if they are in the range 0 to 100, and count how many are larger than 50, follow these steps:

1. Start the flowchart symbol.
2. Display a prompt asking the user to enter the first integer.
3. Read the integer from the keyboard and assign it to a variable (e.g., num).
4. Check if the number entered by the user is within the range 0 to 100.
- If the number is not within the range, go back to step 2.
- If the number is within the range, continue to the next step.
5. Check if the number is larger than 50.
- If the number is larger than 50, increment a counter variable (e.g., count) by 1.
6. Repeat steps 2-5 for the remaining 9 integers.
7. Display the value of count (the number of integers larger than 50).
8. End the flowchart symbol.

Here is an ASCII representation of the flowchart:

Start --> | Prompt |
Read num -->| Check |
from | Range |
keyboard +---+----+
| num <= 50? |
| |
v v
| count |
| Repeat |
| 9x |
| End |

Please note that flowcharts can be represented in various formats and styles, so this is just an example.