how to drow flowchart read 10 integers from the keyboard in the range 0 to 100 and count how many of them are larger than 50 and display the result

1. Start

2. Initialize variables "count" and "num" to zero
3. Take input of "num" from user
4. Check if "num" is between 0 and 100
5. If "num" is between 0 and 100, go to step 6. Otherwise, go to step 3
6. Check if "num" is greater than 50
7. If "num" is greater than 50, increment "count" by 1. Go to step 8
8. Check if "count" is less than 10
9. If "count" is less than 10, go to step 3. Otherwise, go to step 10
10. Display the value of "count"
11. End.

To draw a flowchart for reading 10 integers from the keyboard in the range 0 to 100, and counting how many of them are larger than 50, and then displaying the result, you can follow the steps below:

1. Start the flowchart by using the "Start" symbol.

2. Include an input symbol to represent reading the first integer from the keyboard.

3. Add a process symbol for checking if the entered integer is larger than 50.

4. Use a decision symbol to check the condition: "Is the entered integer larger than 50?" If the condition is true, proceed to Step 5; otherwise, proceed to Step 6.

5. Include a counter symbol to increment the count by 1.

6. Proceed to a loop symbol to repeat Steps 2-5 for the remaining 9 integers.

7. After the loop, add an output symbol to display the count of integers larger than 50.

8. Finish the flowchart using the "End" symbol.

The flowchart should look like this:



| 1 | <-- Input


| Is > 50?| <-- Decision
| |
V |
Yes | No
| |
V |
+---+ |
| 2 | |
+---+ |
| |
+---+ +---+
| 3 | | 4 |
+---+ +---+
| |
V |
... |
| |
V |
+---+ |
| 9 | |
+---+ |
| V
| 10 |
| |
V |
Yes |
| |
V |
+---+ |
| 5 | V
+---+ +----------+
| | Output |
V | Count |
+-----+ +----------+
| End |

Please note that this is a basic flowchart representation, and it may differ based on your specific requirements or the tools you are using. Feel free to modify it accordingly.