how to write flowchart read 10 integers from the keyboard in the range 0 to 100 and count how many of them are larger than 50 and display the result


Declare variable count and set it to 0
Declare an array with size 10
For index i = 0 to 9
Read integer from keyboard and store it in array[i]
If array[i] > 50 then
Increment count by 1
End if
End for
Display count

To write a flowchart for reading 10 integers from the keyboard, checking if they are larger than 50, and displaying the count, follow these steps:

1. Start: Begin the flowchart.
2. Initialize count: Set the count variable to 0.
3. Initialize a loop counter: Set a loop counter variable to 0.
4. Read integer: Read the first integer from the user's input.
5. Check if integer is within range: Check if the integer is between 0 and 100 (inclusive).
6. Check if integer is larger than 50: If the integer is larger than 50, go to step 8. Otherwise, go to step 9.
7. Increment count: If the integer is larger than 50, increment the count variable by 1.
8. Increment loop counter: Increment the loop counter variable by 1.
9. Check if loop counter reached 10: If the loop counter variable is equal to 10, go to step 10. Otherwise, go back to step 4.
10. Display the count: Display the count variable.
11. Stop: End the flowchart.

This flowchart will allow you to read 10 integers from the user, count how many of them are larger than 50, and display the result. Ensure that you format the flowchart correctly with proper flow lines and decision symbols.