A bus took 1 h 42 min to travel from Town A to Town B. A train took 1/3 of the time the bus took to complete the same journey while a car took 25 min more than the train. How much time did the three vehicles take to travel from Town A to Town B altogether? Give your answer in hours and minutes.

The bus took 1 hour and 42 minutes, which is equal to 102 minutes.

The train took 1/3 of the time the bus took, which is equal to 34 minutes.

The car took 25 minutes more than the train, which is equal to 59 minutes.

Therefore, the total time taken by all three vehicles is:

102 + 34 + 59 = 195 minutes

Converting 195 minutes to hours and minutes:

195 รท 60 = 3 hours and 15 minutes

Therefore, the three vehicles took 3 hours and 15 minutes to travel from Town A to Town B altogether.

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step.

Step 1: Convert the time taken by the bus to minutes.
1 hour = 60 minutes
So, the time taken by the bus is 1 hour + 42 minutes = 60 minutes + 42 minutes = 102 minutes.

Step 2: Calculate the time taken by the train.
The train took 1/3 of the time the bus took.
Time taken by the train = 1/3 * 102 minutes = 34 minutes.

Step 3: Calculate the time taken by the car.
The car took 25 minutes more than the train, so
Time taken by the car = 34 minutes + 25 minutes = 59 minutes.

Step 4: Calculate the total time taken by all three vehicles.
Total time taken = time taken by the bus + time taken by the train + time taken by the car
Total time taken = 102 minutes + 34 minutes + 59 minutes = 195 minutes.

Step 5: Convert the total time taken back to hours and minutes.
1 hour = 60 minutes
So, the total time taken is 195 minutes = 3 hours + 15 minutes.
Therefore, the three vehicles took 3 hours and 15 minutes to travel from Town A to Town B.