Key value set forth by convention on rights of the child that best suppor inclusive education

1. Non-Discrimination: Ensure that all children have equal access to quality education without discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion, disability, or any other status.

2. Participation: Children have a right to express their views and opinions, and be involved in decisions that affect their education.

3. Accessibility: Education should be affordable, accessible, and inclusive to all children, regardless of their economic and social backgrounds or geographical location.

4. Quality: Education must be of high standards, and should promote critical thinking, creativity, and life skills.

5. Adaptability: Education systems should be flexible, adaptable, and responsive to the diverse needs of learners, including those with disabilities or learning difficulties.

6. Protection: Children should be protected from all forms of violence, abuse, and exploitation, including in schools and educational settings.

7. Equity: Education must promote equity and social justice, and address systemic inequalities and disparities in access, participation, and learning outcomes.

8. Comprehensive: Education should be comprehensive and holistic, and address the physical, emotional, social, and psychological needs of children.

The key value set forth by convention on the rights of the child that best supports inclusive education is the principle of non-discrimination. This principle promotes equal opportunities and a fair and inclusive learning environment for all children, regardless of their race, gender, disability, or other characteristics.

Inclusive education ensures that every child has access to quality education and is not excluded or segregated based on their differences. It respects and values diversity, promoting understanding, acceptance, and respect for all individuals.

To promote inclusive education based on the principle of non-discrimination, the following steps can be taken:

1. Eliminate discrimination: Ensure that all policies, practices, and resources are developed in a way that does not discriminate against any child. This includes access to education, curriculum adaptation, and provision of necessary support for students with disabilities or special needs.

2. Provide equal opportunities: Ensure that every child has the same opportunity to access and benefit from education. This can be achieved by removing barriers, such as physical, cultural, and social, that may hinder a child's participation in learning.

3. Foster an inclusive environment: Create a safe and supportive school environment that embraces diversity and respects the rights and dignity of all children. This includes promoting tolerance, understanding, and respectful interactions among students, teachers, and the broader community.

4. Individualized support: Provide individualized support and accommodations to meet the diverse needs and abilities of all children. This could include tailored learning materials, assistive technologies, or additional teaching support.

5. Professional development and training: Equip teachers and educational staff with appropriate knowledge and skills to implement inclusive education practices effectively. This could involve training on inclusive teaching strategies, behavior management, and working with students with diverse needs.

By upholding the principle of non-discrimination, inclusive education ensures that all children, regardless of their background or abilities, have an equal opportunity to learn, develop, and thrive in an inclusive and supportive educational environment.