Explain taurama based on theme conflicts and resolutions in essay form

1. Introduction
2. State important to talk about that theme
3. Explain how that theme reflects issues in local area or community
4. Provide examples of facts, statistics and testimonies from local area or community
5. What some of the lessons learnt from the theme


Taurama is a region that is located in Papua New Guinea. This area is characterized by various themes that reflect the challenges the community face and the lessons learned from these challenges. In this essay, we will explore the conflicts and resolutions in taurama based on themes.

State importance of talking about that theme:
It is essential to discuss the themes in Taurama as they reflect the challenges faced by the community, and understanding them is the first step towards achieving a resolution.

Explain how that theme reflects issues in the local area or community:
One of the themes that are prevalent in Taurama is tribalism. Tribalism, in this context, refers to the negative attitudes and behaviors that arise due to perceived differences in ethnicity, race, or culture. This theme is a significant issue in Taurama as it leads to discrimination, conflict, and disunity among the community members.

Provide examples of facts, statistics and testimonies from the local area or community:
For example, a 2019 study conducted by the World Bank showed that tribalism is one of the leading causes of conflict and poverty in Papua New Guinea. In Taurama, the effects of tribalism can also be seen in the frequent conflicts that arise between different ethnic groups. For instance, the clashes between the Koiari and the Motuan communities in Taurama have led to several deaths, displacement of people, and destruction of property.

What are some of the lessons learned from the theme?
The theme of tribalism in Taurama highlights the need for tolerance, understanding, and empathy among the community members. It is essential to embrace diversity and acknowledge the value of different cultures and ethnicities. Furthermore, promoting dialogues and organizing events that bring people from different backgrounds can help to bridge the gap between different groups and promote unity.

In conclusion, the conflicts and resolutions found in Taurama based on themes highlight the challenges faced by the community. Tribalism is one of the main themes that impact the community negatively. By understanding the causes and effects of tribalism, it is possible to take the necessary steps towards resolving conflicts, promoting peace, and fostering unity. It is important to continue the conversation and take concerted efforts towards addressing these issues.


Taurama is a vital theme to discuss as it explores conflicts and resolutions within a given context. This essay aims to outline the significance of discussing this theme, how it reflects issues in the local area or community, provide examples of facts, statistics, and testimonies from the local area or community, and highlight the lessons that can be learned.

The theme of taurama is important to address as it encompasses conflicts and resolutions that are prevalent in numerous settings. By delving into this theme, we gain a greater understanding of how conflicts arise and how they can be resolved, both on an individual and community level.

In understanding the relevance of taurama to the local area or community, it is essential to examine the conflicts and resolutions that exist within. By analyzing the issues that arise within the community, we can identify the root causes of conflicts and work towards finding appropriate resolutions. For instance, if there is a high rate of gang violence in a specific neighborhood, it is crucial to examine the factors leading to this conflict, such as socioeconomic disparities or lack of access to resources.

To provide a comprehensive analysis, it is necessary to include factual information, statistics, and testimonies from the local area or community. For example, statistics may highlight the increase in crime rates or the number of unresolved conflicts. Testimonies from community members can provide firsthand accounts of the struggles faced and shed light on potential resolutions that have been tried or proposed.

As we delve into the theme of taurama and its conflict resolution, we learn valuable lessons. One of the key lessons is the importance of effective communication. By fostering open and honest dialogue, conflicts can be addressed, misunderstandings can be resolved, and lasting solutions can be found. Additionally, we learn the significance of empathy and understanding. By placing ourselves in the shoes of those involved in the conflict, we gain a deeper appreciation for their struggles and are more likely to find mutually beneficial resolutions.

In conclusion, taurama provides a lens through which we can explore conflicts and resolutions within a given context. By recognizing the importance of this theme, examining how it reflects issues in the local area or community, providing examples from the community, and identifying the lessons learned, we can work towards creating a more harmonious and understanding society.