Analyzing Theme Quick Check

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Which of the following choices define theme? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)

the statements that the author makes in the introduction

the conflicts that arise throughout the story

the central idea that the author wants the reader to focus on

the focus of the discussions characters have in the story

the message that the author wants the reader to learn

The central idea that the author wants the reader to focus on, The message that the author wants the reader to learn.


To determine which of the following choices define theme, we need to understand what theme is. Theme is essentially the underlying message or main idea that the author wants to convey to the reader. It is a universal concept or topic that is explored and discussed throughout the story.

Now, let's evaluate the choices:

1. the statements that the author makes in the introduction: This choice is not correct. The statements in the introduction typically give context or background information, but they do not directly define the theme.

2. the conflicts that arise throughout the story: This choice is not correct either. While conflicts can contribute to the development of the theme, they do not define it on their own.

3. the central idea that the author wants the reader to focus on: This choice is correct. The central idea or main focus of the story is closely tied to the theme. The author wants the reader to pay attention to this idea throughout the narrative.

4. the focus of the discussions characters have in the story: This choice is not correct. Characters' discussions may provide insights into the theme, but they do not necessarily define it.

5. the message that the author wants the reader to learn: This choice is correct. The message or lesson that the author wants the reader to take away from the story is synonymous with the theme. It is the key idea the author wants to communicate.

Therefore, the two correct choices that define theme are:

- the central idea that the author wants the reader to focus on
- the message that the author wants the reader to learn

The two correct answers that define theme are:

1. the central idea that the author wants the reader to focus on
2. the message that the author wants the reader to learn