Use the excerpt to answer the question

Big problems seem smaller with help.
explain why

The excerpt suggests that when we have support and assistance from others, the problems we face appear less daunting or overwhelming. This could be because having someone to share our concerns with can help us feel less alone or isolated, and having someone to offer advice or resources can make solutions feel more within reach. In short, help can provide us with the perspective and tools necessary to face challenges with more confidence and resilience.

The excerpt suggests that big problems can appear smaller when someone receives help. This may be because when we have support, whether it's from friends, family, or professionals, we feel less overwhelmed and alone in facing our challenges. Having someone to share the burden with can provide reassurance, guidance, and perspective, which can all contribute to making big problems seem more manageable. Additionally, receiving help often means having access to different perspectives and solutions that we may not have considered on our own, which can further minimize the perceived size of the problem.