Sides of Similar Figures Quick Check

4 of 54 of 5 Items

Use the image to answer the question.

An illustration shows two quadrilaterals, one big and one small. The smaller quadrilateral is A B C D and the bigger one is H G F E.

Which statement represents the similarity between the two figures?

(1 point)

quadrilateral DCBA ∼ quadrilateral HGFE

quadrilateral DCBA ∼ quadrilateral GEFH

quadrilateral ABCD ∼ quadrilateral HGFE

quadrilateral ABCD ∼ quadrilateral EFGH

The correct statement that represents the similarity between the two figures is:

quadrilateral ABCD ∼ quadrilateral HGFE

The correct statement that represents the similarity between the two figures is:

quadrilateral ABCD ∼ quadrilateral HGFE

is that right

Sides of Similar Figures Quick Check

4 of 54 of 5 Items

Use the image to answer the question.

An illustration shows two quadrilaterals, one big and one small. The smaller quadrilateral is A B C D and the bigger one is H G F E.

Which statement represents the similarity between the two figures?

(1 point)

quadrilateral DCBA ∼ quadrilateral HGFE

quadrilateral DCBA ∼ quadrilateral GEFH

quadrilateral ABCD ∼ quadrilateral HGFE

quadrilateral ABCD ∼ quadrilateral EFGH