Cora is examining one of her classmate's photos at the school art show. When she first looks at the image, she believes it is a black and white photo of the shore with the tide rolling in at night. However, upon closer inspection, Cora noticed that the sand is in fact gravel and the tide is actually a close-up of a damaged car bumper. She recognizes this because she has similar damage to the bumper on her own car. What is Cora using to help her understand and interpret this image?

A. design elements
B. bottom-up processing
C. top-down processing
D. visual stratification

C. top-down processing

Cora is using C. top-down processing to help her understand and interpret the image. Top-down processing refers to using pre-existing knowledge and experiences to make sense of new information. In this case, Cora's knowledge and experience with her own damaged car bumper enable her to recognize the close-up of the damaged car bumper in the photo, even though her initial perception was that it was a black and white photo of the shore with the tide rolling in at night.