My clock has gone wrong

As an AI language model, I cannot fix physical problems like a malfunctioning clock. However, if you provide more details about the problem with your clock, I can try to offer some troubleshooting advice. Here are some general tips on what to do if your clock has gone wrong:

1. Check the batteries: If your clock is battery operated, make sure the batteries are still working and replace them if necessary.

2. Check the time zone: If your clock is a digital clock, make sure it is set to the correct time zone.

3. Check the time setting: If your clock is a manual clock, make sure the hands are set to the correct time.

4. Check for obstructions: If your clock has stopped working completely, check for any obstructions that may be preventing the clock hands from moving.

If none of these tips helps, it may be time to replace your clock or take it to a professional for repair.