My clock has gone wrong and chimes three times at one o clock, four times two o clock,and so is also half an hour fast.what is the correct time when the clock has just chimed eight

Based on the given information, we know that the clock chimes three times at 1 o'clock, four times at 2 o'clock, and so on. This indicates that the clock is chiming the number of times equivalent to the hour it's supposed to be indicating.

To find the correct time when the clock has just chimed eight, we can work backwards.

If the clock chimes three times at 1 o'clock, four times at 2 o'clock, and so on, then it would chime eight times at 4 o'clock.

Since the clock is half an hour fast, we need to subtract half an hour from the time indicated by the chimes. Therefore, the correct time when the clock has just chimed eight is 3:30.

To determine the correct time when the clock has just chimed eight, we need to consider the following information:

1. The clock chimes three times for one o'clock, four times for two o'clock, and so on. This implies that the number of chimes corresponds to the hour.

2. The clock is half an hour fast, meaning that when it chimes, it is actually half an hour ahead.

Since the clock chimes eight times, we subtract the additional chimes due to it being half an hour ahead.

8 - 4 (additional chimes for being half an hour ahead) = 4

So, the correct time when the clock has just chimed eight is four o'clock.