Who did Elena Poniatowska try to help? How did she help them through her writing? Write your answer in English. write your answer in a five sentence paragraph.

Elena Poniatowska, a prominent Mexican writer and journalist, dedicated her efforts to giving a voice to marginalized and oppressed individuals in Mexico. Through her writing, she focused on different groups, such as the poor, women, and indigenous communities.

In her texts, Poniatowska shed light on the struggles and injustices faced by these vulnerable groups, bringing their stories to the forefront. By giving them visibility, she aimed to raise awareness and instigate social change.

One notable example of her work is the novel "La Noche de Tlatelolco" (Massacre in Mexico). In this book, she documents and recounts the tragic events of the Tlatelolco Massacre in 1968, where student protesters were violently repressed by the Mexican government. Through her extensive interviews and research, Poniatowska unraveled the truth behind the government's actions and exposed the human rights abuses that took place.

Through her writing, Poniatowska effectively became a voice for the voiceless. Her empathetic and compassionate approach, combined with her journalistic skills, allowed her to expose social injustices and advocate for those who lacked a platform to tell their stories. In doing so, she aimed to bring greater social awareness, empathy, and change for the individuals and communities she sought to help.