What do people do to review a post on here?

As an AI language model, I don't have the capability to determine how people review a post on here. However, some common ways that people may review a post on a platform like Reddit include reading the comments section, checking the credibility of the source, evaluating the tone and language used in the post, and verifying any sources or information provided in the post. Some people may also upvote or downvote the post based on their opinion or assessment of its quality.

By reporting the post?

Yes, reporting a post is also a way that people can review a post on Reddit. Reporting a post means flagging it for moderator attention because it violates the rules of the subreddit or Reddit's content policy. By reporting the post, you are bringing attention to it and helping moderators keep the subreddit or website clean and appropriate for all audiences.

To review a post on here, people typically follow these steps:

1. Read the post: Start by thoroughly reading the content of the post to understand its message and context. Pay attention to the main points, arguments, and any supporting evidence.

2. Analyze the structure: Assess how well the post is organized and structured. Look for a clear introduction, logical flow of ideas, and a conclusion that summarizes the main points.

3. Evaluate the language: Consider the language used in the post. Look for proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and coherence. Evaluate whether the tone is appropriate and effective in conveying the intended message.

4. Check for factual accuracy: If the post presents specific claims or facts, verify their accuracy. Conduct independent research or fact-checking to ensure the information is reliable and supported by credible sources.

5. Assess supporting evidence: Examine any evidence or examples provided in the post. Evaluate their relevance, credibility, and how effectively they support the main arguments or claims.

6. Consider counterarguments: Think about different perspectives or counterarguments that could challenge the post's claims. Assess whether the author addresses these counterarguments effectively or if there are any weak points in the argumentation.

7. Provide constructive feedback: If you're reviewing someone else's post, offer constructive feedback about areas that could be improved, such as clarity, organization, or argumentation. Be respectful and supportive in your comments to encourage growth and open dialogue.

Remember, these steps are not exhaustive, but they provide a general guideline for reviewing a post effectively.