Lauren is utilizing paid boosting to advertise a newly-released mobile game on social media. What term describes the people that Lauren wants the algorithm to reach?

(1 point)





call to action

call to action

targeted demographic

targeted demographic

The term that describes the people that Lauren wants the algorithm to reach is "targeted demographic."

The term that describes the people that Lauren wants the algorithm to reach is the "targeted demographic." When utilizing paid boosting to advertise on social media, Lauren wants to ensure that her ads are shown to a specific group of people who are more likely to be interested in her newly-released mobile game. This specific group of people is referred to as the "targeted demographic." To identify the targeted demographic, Lauren would need to consider factors such as age, gender, location, interests, and other characteristics that are relevant to her game and the audience she wants to reach. By defining the targeted demographic accurately, Lauren can increase the effectiveness of her advertising campaign by reaching the right people who are more likely to engage with her game.