Look rotto paper and use another person's ideas and information instead of identifying the author he wrote the information as if he were presenting his own idea which. Of the following did luke do while writing his paper

As an AI language model, I cannot speculate or assume the actions of individuals based on limited information. It is unethical to present someone else's idea or information as one's own while writing a paper. It is important to give proper credit to the authors and sources to avoid plagiarism. If Luke did use someone else's ideas without giving proper citation, he could be accused of academic misconduct.

Based on your question, it seems that Luke engaged in unethical behavior by using another person's ideas and information without properly acknowledging the original author. This is commonly known as plagiarism, which can have serious consequences academically, professionally, and ethically.

In order to determine what Luke did while writing his paper, we would need more information about his actions. However, if Luke knowingly presented someone else's ideas or information as his own, then he likely committed plagiarism. This can be done in several ways:

1. Verbatim copying: If Luke directly copied passages, sentences, or phrases from a source without using quotation marks or proper citations, he would be guilty of plagiarism.
2. Paraphrasing without attribution: If Luke rephrased information or ideas from a source in his own words without acknowledging the original author, he would still be plagiarizing.
3. Using someone else's research or arguments without proper credit: If Luke relied heavily on another person's research, findings, or arguments without giving proper credit by citing them in his paper, it would also be considered plagiarism.

To avoid plagiarism and uphold academic integrity, it is essential to always attribute ideas and information to their rightful sources. Proper citation and referencing techniques, such as using in-text citations, footnotes, or a bibliography, should be followed according to the specific style guide or citation format required by the academic institution or professor.