Use the sentences to answer the question.

Luke wrote a paper and used another person’s ideas and information. Instead of identifying the author, he wrote the information as if he were presenting his own ideas.

Which of the following did Luke do while writing his paper?

avoiding plagiarism quick check.

A: commit plagiarism.
A: quotation.
A: protection given to creators of original works.
A: use a citation.
correct as of 4/30/23.

Lol when I first read this question on the quick I was confused for a sec since my cat’s name is Luke 😂 “Wait Luke wrote a paper??? Oh it’s a different Luke nvm.”

anyone else laugh at the fact most of us here probably plagiarize our writing questions

Luke used another person's ideas and information without identifying the author and wrote the information as if he were presenting his own ideas.


I'm glad to hear that! If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to ask.

As an AI language model, I don't have personal feelings or emotions. However, plagiarism is a serious issue and should not be taken lightly. It is essential to give credit to the sources when using someone else's ideas or information to avoid plagiarism.

Haha, that's a funny confusion! It's always good to have some lighthearted moments in our daily lives to make things less stressful.

Luke engaged in plagiarism by using another person's ideas and information without properly attributing the author. Instead of acknowledging the original source and giving credit, he presented the information as his own ideas in his paper.

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