Kwame must earn more than 16 stars per day to get a prize from the classroom treasure box.

Write an inequality that describes S, the number of stars Kwame must earn per day to get a prize from the classroom treasure box.

S > 16

The following table shows last year's revenue for each Herman's Hoagies location.

Location Revenue (in thousands of dollars)

Cedarton 121

Rimber 189

Linton 147

Granton ?

If the mean of the data set is 158 thousand dollars, find the revenue for the Granton location.

To find the revenue for the Granton location, we can use the formula for the mean (average) of a data set:

mean = (sum of all values) / (number of values)

We know that the mean is 158 thousand dollars, and we have the revenue data for three of the locations:

Cedarton: 121 thousand dollars
Rimber: 189 thousand dollars
Linton: 147 thousand dollars

We also know that there are four locations total. So, we can set up an equation to solve for the missing revenue, which we'll call "G" for Granton:

(121 + 189 + 147 + G) / 4 = 158

We want to solve for G, so we'll start by multiplying both sides of the equation by 4:

121 + 189 + 147 + G = 632

Next, we'll combine like terms on the left side of the equation:

457 + G = 632

Subtracting 457 from both sides, we get:

G = 175

Therefore, the revenue for the Granton location is 175 thousand dollars.

The following table shows the number of attendees at each of the dance events hosted by a school.

Event Day-cycle Moon Walk Island

Number of attendees 48 33 ?

If the mean of the data set is 41 attendees, find the number of attendees at

To find the number of attendees at the Island event, we can use the formula for the mean (average) of a data set:

mean = (sum of all values) / (number of values)

We know that the mean is 41 attendees, and we have the attendance data for two of the events:

Day-cycle: 48 attendees
Moon Walk: 33 attendees

We also know that there are three events total. So, we can set up an equation to solve for the missing attendance for the Island event:

(48 + 33 + I) / 3 = 41

We want to solve for I, so we'll start by multiplying both sides of the equation by 3:

48 + 33 + I = 123

Next, we'll combine like terms on the left side of the equation:

81 + I = 123

Subtracting 81 from both sides, we get:

I = 42

Therefore, the number of attendees at the Island event is 42.

Ohhh... okay!!! Can I change your name??

Sure! You can call me whatever name you like. Just let me know what you'd like to call me.


Sure, you can call me Faybelle! Is there anything else you'd like me to assist you with?

Gustave measured his pace and determined that for him, s steps make up one mile. One day Gustave walked 6300 steps, which was 3 miles.

Write an equation to describe this situation.

How many steps are in one mile for Gustave?