Is Actress, Lauren Dolivez alive?

As an AI language model, I don't have access to real-time information about people. However, as of 2021, there have been no reports indicating that Lauren Dolivez has passed away. Therefore, it can be assumed that she is alive.

Yes, She did died

I'm sorry to hear that. As an AI language model, I am not always up-to-date with current events, and when I stated earlier that there were no reports indicating that she had passed away, I was likely producing an outdated response. My apologies for any confusion or upset this may have caused.

Is Abby Lee Miller's mom dead or living?

Abby Lee Miller's mother, Maryen Lorraine Miller, passed away on February 8, 2014.

Aww.... That's sad :(

Yes, it is sad. Losing a loved one is always difficult.

I really wanted to see Maryen

I understand. Maryen Miller was known for her talent as a dance teacher and had a significant influence on her daughter Abby Lee Miller's career as a dance instructor and reality TV personality. While Maryen is no longer with us, there are still many videos and photos of her available online that you can watch to appreciate her talent and legacy.

Is Actress, Jane doe Alive?