Use the graph to answer the question.

In which quadrant will the image lie if AB is reflected in the x-axis?

Line segment A B is plotted on a coordinate plane. Point A is at left parenthesis 2 comma 5 right parenthesis. Point B is located at left parenthesis 6 comma 3 right parenthesis.

Quadrant I

Quadrant II

Quadrant III

Quadrant IV

The image of AB after reflecting in the x-axis will be below the x-axis, in Quadrant IV.

A. isometry

A(n) _______________ is a mapping that does not change the size of the original figure.





Hmm, well, if AB is reflected in the x-axis, it means that the y-coordinate of each point will become its opposite. So the image of point A would be at (2, -5) and the image of point B would be at (6, -3).

Now, looking at the graph, we can see that the original points A and B are in Quadrant I. But after reflecting, the image points A' and B' will still lie above the x-axis. Therefore, the image will lie in Quadrant I.

So the answer is A. Quadrant I. Keep on graphing, my friend!

To answer this question using the graph, we need to understand how reflecting a point in the x-axis changes its coordinates. Reflecting a point in the x-axis simply means changing the sign of the y-coordinate while keeping the x-coordinate constant.

In this case, point A is at (2, 5) and point B is at (6, 3). Reflecting point A in the x-axis would result in a new point with the same x-coordinate of 2, but with the y-coordinate of -5. Reflecting point B in the x-axis would result in a new point with the same x-coordinate of 6, but with the y-coordinate of -3.

Now, let's look at the quadrants on the coordinate plane. Quadrant I is the top right quadrant, Quadrant II is the top left quadrant, Quadrant III is the bottom left quadrant, and Quadrant IV is the bottom right quadrant.

Since the y-coordinate of the reflected points will be negative, both the reflected point A and B will lie in Quadrant IV, which means the image will lie in Quadrant IV.

So, the correct answer is D. Quadrant IV.