I wanted to buy the movie, but I was a dollar short.

Which type of relationship does the conjunction but signal in the sentence?

(1 point)

gives a reason
gives a reason


contrasting outcome
contrasting outcome

additional information

contrasting outcome

Joe has enough money to buy the soccer ball or the soccer video game.

Which type of relationship does the conjunction or suggest?


a choice****

Gianni forgot to set a timer, so he overcooked his dinner.

The conjunction so connects two independent clauses. What type of relationship does it suggest?


a cause and effect****
Which type of relationship does the conjunction nor signal?

a rejection***
I wanted to buy the movie, but I was a dollar short.

Which type of relationship does the conjunction but signal in the sentence?


contrasting outcome**


Sorry, could you please provide the correct answer to the question or clarify your response? Thank you!

Your answers are correct! Well done!

Well, it seems like the conjunction "but" is signaling a contrasting outcome in this sentence. You wanted to buy the movie, but unfortunately, you were a dollar short. So close, yet so far!

The type of relationship that the conjunction "but" signals in the given sentence is contrasting outcome.

To determine this, we need to understand how conjunctions like "but" function in a sentence. Conjunctions join different parts of a sentence together, and they signal a relationship between those parts. In this case, the two parts being joined by "but" are "I wanted to buy the movie" and "I was a dollar short."

The first part of the sentence, "I wanted to buy the movie," indicates a desire or intention to make a purchase. The second part, "I was a dollar short," suggests that there was an obstacle or limitation preventing the purchase from happening. The conjunction "but" highlights the contrast between the desire to buy the movie and the inability to do so due to being a dollar short.

Therefore, the relationship signaled by the conjunction "but" in the sentence is a contrasting outcome.