Use the sentence to answer the question.

I wanted to buy the movie, but I was a dollar short.
Which type of relationship does the conjunction “but” signal in the sentence?
A. Rejection
B. Gives a reason
C. Additional information
D. Contrasting outcome

D. Contrasting outcome

D. Contrasting outcome

The type of relationship that the conjunction "but" signals in the sentence is D. Contrasting outcome.

The correct answer is D. Contrasting outcome.

To determine the type of relationship that the conjunction "but" signals in the sentence, it is necessary to analyze the contrasting ideas or outcomes it presents. In this case, the sentence presents two contrasting outcomes: the desire to buy the movie and the lack of money, as indicated by being "a dollar short." The conjunction "but" is used to introduce the second outcome, which contrasts with the first. Therefore, the conjunction "but" in this sentence signals a contrasting outcome.