Use the sentence to complete the activity.

Talk to them, and you should tell them the truth.

In 1–2 sentences, identify the shift in mood and rewrite the sentence correctly.

Shift in mood: imperative to conditional

If you talk to them, you should tell them the truth.

The shift in mood in the sentence is from stating a general action ("Talk to them") to giving advice ("and you should tell them the truth").

Rewrite: It is important to talk to them and be honest about the situation.

The shift in mood in the original sentence is from a statement to a command.

To rewrite the sentence correctly, it depends on what mood or tone the sentence should convey. Here are a few possible alternatives:
- If the mood should remain as a statement: "You can talk to them and tell them the truth."
- If the mood should be more persuasive: "You should consider talking to them and telling them the truth."
- If the mood should be more forceful: "You must talk to them and tell them the truth."

Note: The correct rewrite of the sentence depends on the desired tone or mood and the context in which it is being used.