Use the sentence to complete the activity.

Be careful when lighting a match in the science lab— there are flammable liquids in there!

In 1–2 sentences, explain the meaning of flammable as it is used in the sentence, as well as the context clues that helped you determine this meaning. pls helap

The word "flammable" in the sentence means that the liquids in the science lab can easily catch fire or ignite. This meaning is determined from the context clues "lighting a match" and the cautionary statement "be careful" mentioned in the sentence.

The word "flammable" means capable of catching fire easily and burning rapidly. The context clue that helped determine this meaning is the mention of "lighting a match" and the mention of "there are flammable liquids in there", indicating a potential danger of fire in the science lab.

In this sentence, the word "flammable" means that the liquids in the science lab can easily catch fire or burn. The context clues that help determine this meaning include the mention of "lighting a match" and the warning to be careful, indicating that the liquids are highly combustible.