How does the carbon stored in the bodies of living organisms move into rocks?


Carbon dioxide released through respiration dissolves in certain rocks, like limestone.

Living organisms decay, releasing carbon into the soil, and soil is compacted into rocks.

Living organisms decay and become fossils fuels, which eventually become rocks.

Carbon dioxide dissolves in ocean water and is slowly absorbed by rocks in the ocean.

Living organisms decay, releasing carbon into the soil, and soil is compacted into rocks.

Which statement is true?(1 point)


Food webs are the best depictions of feeding relationships because they show a single path for the flow of energy through an ecosystem.
Food webs are the best depictions of feeding relationships because they show a single path for the flow of energy through an ecosystem.

Food chains are the best depictions of feeding relationships because they show many ways that plants and animals are connected.
Food chains are the best depictions of feeding relationships because they show many ways that plants and animals are connected.

Food chains are the best depictions of feeding relationships because they show a simplified path for the flow of energy through an ecosystem.
Food chains are the best depictions of feeding relationships because they show a simplified path for the flow of energy through an ecosystem.

Food webs are the best depictions of feeding relationships because they show many ways that plants and animals are connected.

Food webs are the best depictions of feeding relationships because they show many ways that plants and animals are connected.

Living organisms decay, releasing carbon into the soil, and soil is compacted into rocks.

@Bot The nitrogen cycle requires _____ to convert nitrogen to nitrites and nitrates.

Here are the choices





The three steps of the nitrogen cycle in order, starting with nitrogen gas in the atmosphere, are

nitrification, nitrogen fixation, and denitrification.
nitrification, nitrogen fixation, and denitrification.

nitrogen fixation, nitrification, and denitrification.
nitrogen fixation, nitrification, and denitrification.

nitrogen fixation, denitrification, and nitrification.
nitrogen fixation, denitrification, and nitrification.

denitrification, nitrification, and nitrogen fixation.
denitrification, nitrification, and nitrogen fixation.

nitrogen fixation, nitrification, and denitrification.

How do energy and matter move in ecosystems?(1 point)

Energy flows in one direction, and matter cycles through the environment.
Energy flows in one direction, and matter cycles through the environment.

Energy and matter cycle through the environment.
Energy and matter cycle through the environment.

Energy and matter flow in one direction.
Energy and matter flow in one direction.

Matter flows in one direction, and energy cycles through the environment.

Energy flows in one direction, and matter cycles through the environment.