Saturday love a bold three games in her bowling league. She had a mean score of 115 point the score of her first game was 110 point the score of her second game was 90 point what was the score for third game


Mean, in outliers practice 7 questions

We can use the formula for the mean score of three games to find the score of the third game. The formula is:

Mean score = (score of first game + score of second game + score of third game) / 3

We know that the mean score is 115 and the score of the first game is 110 and the score of the second game is 90. We can rearrange the formula to solve for the score of the third game:

Score of third game = (Mean score x 3) - score of first game - score of second game

Plugging in the values we have, we get:

Score of third game = (115 x 3) - 110 - 90
Score of third game = 345 - 200
Score of third game = 145

Therefore, the score of the third game was 145.