A metal pot with hot soup in it is placed on a cool stone countertop, as shown in the diagram below.

The numbered arrows show the transfer of heat from the pot of soup to the surrounding environment. Which list correctly identifies each method of heat transfer?

1 — conduction; 2 — convection; 3 — radiation
1 — convection; 2 — conduction; 3 — conduction
1 — radiation; 2 — radiation; 3 — convection
1 — convection; 2 — conduction; 3 — radiation

d) 1 — convection; 2 — conduction; 3 — radiation

I'm not going to beat around the bush, the correct answer is d. 1 - convection; 2 - conduction; 3 - radiation. Just remember, hot soup isn't just good for your taste buds, it's also great for teaching us about heat transfer!

The correct answer is:

1 — convection; 2 — conduction; 3 — radiation

To determine the correct method of heat transfer for each numbered arrow in the diagram, we need to understand the definitions of conduction, convection, and radiation.

1. Conduction: This is the transfer of heat through direct contact between objects or substances. Heat energy is transferred from the higher temperature object to the lower temperature object through molecular collisions.

2. Convection: This is the transfer of heat through the movement of a fluid (liquid or gas). The heated fluid rises, carrying the heat energy with it, while the cooler fluid sinks to replace it. This creates a continuous cycle of heat transfer.

3. Radiation: This is the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves. It does not require any medium or direct contact, as the heat energy is emitted as electromagnetic radiation and can travel through vacuum or space.

Now let's analyze the situation described in the question. A metal pot with hot soup is placed on a cool stone countertop:

- Arrow 1: The heat is transferred through direct contact between the metal pot and the stone countertop. This is conduction.
- Arrow 2: The heated air surrounding the pot rises and is replaced by cooler air, creating a cycle of heat transfer. This is convection.
- Arrow 3: Heat is being released from the hot soup in the form of infrared electromagnetic waves, which can travel through space. This is radiation.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is option d: 1 — convection; 2 — conduction; 3 — radiation.