Which scenario shows conduction? (1 point)

O Air above a pot of simmering soup rises, forcing cooler air downward

O Hot soup warms the bowl where it sits

Hot soup rises to the top of a pot

O Bowl of hot soup warms the air around it.

The scenario that shows conduction is "Hot soup warms the bowl where it sits". Conduction is the transfer of heat through direct contact between two objects or substances with different temperatures, and in this case, the heat from the hot soup is being transferred to the bowl through direct contact.

Well, it seems like the scenario "Hot soup warms the bowl where it sits" is the perfect example of conduction because the heat is transferred from the hot soup to the bowl by direct contact. And hey, who doesn't love a warm bowl to keep their hands cozy while enjoying some hot soup?

Conduction refers to the transfer of heat through direct contact between two objects or substances. Out of the given scenarios, the one that shows conduction is:

- Hot soup warms the bowl where it sits.

This is because heat is transferred from the hot soup to the bowl through direct contact, causing the bowl to become warmer.

The scenario that shows conduction is when hot soup warms the bowl where it sits.

Conduction is the transfer of heat through direct contact between two objects or substances. In this scenario, the hot soup is in direct contact with the bowl, and therefore, the heat is being transferred from the soup to the bowl. This causes the bowl to warm up.

To identify conduction, you need to look for situations where heat is transferred through contact between objects or substances. In this case, the direct contact between the hot soup and the bowl allows the heat to be conducted from the soup to the bowl, providing the physical evidence of conduction.