Which scenario shows conduction?(1 point)


Bowl of hot soup warms the air around it.
Bowl of hot soup warms the air around it.

Air above a pot of simmering soup rises, forcing cooler air downward.
Air above a pot of simmering soup rises, forcing cooler air downward.

Hot soup rises to the top of a pot.
Hot soup rises to the top of a pot.

Hot soup warms the bowl where it sits.

Hot soup warms the bowl where it sits is the scenario that shows conduction.

The scenario that shows conduction is: Hot soup warms the bowl where it sits.

Conduction refers to the heat transfer that occurs when there is direct contact between two objects of different temperatures. In this scenario, the transfer of heat is happening between the hot soup and the bowl that it is in. The hot soup transfers its heat energy to the bowl through direct contact, causing the bowl to warm up. This is an example of conduction because the heat is being transferred through physical contact between the two objects.

The scenario that shows conduction is: Hot soup warms the bowl where it sits.