Writers use similes to create striking descriptions. A simile compares one object or idea to another using “like” or “as.”

Make a list of three similes you could use to describe your current mood. Here’s an example, but you can't use this one: “Today, my mood is like a hurricane.”
Look at your list of similes. Which one would best help someone picture how you feel? Why? Write AT LEAST one sentence to explain your choice.

Be sure to answer BOTH questions in your response.

1. Today, my mood is as hot as the sun.

2. Today, my mood is like a rollercoaster.
3. Today, my mood is as heavy as a rock.

Out of these three similes, the one that would best help someone picture how I feel is "Today, my mood is like a rollercoaster." This is because a rollercoaster is known to take you up and down, just like how my mood is fluctuating throughout the day. It gives a visual representation of my mood which makes it easier for someone to understand.

List of similes to describe my current mood:

1. "My current mood is as dark as a stormy night."
2. "Today, I feel like a wilting flower under the scorching sun."
3. "In this moment, my mood is as unpredictable as a rollercoaster ride."

The simile that would best help someone picture how I feel is "My current mood is as dark as a stormy night." This simile effectively conveys a sense of heaviness, gloom, and intensity, similar to how a stormy night can evoke feelings of fear, uncertainty, and sadness.

To come up with three similes to describe my current mood, I would think about different emotions and compare them to unrelated objects or ideas. Here are three examples:

1. "My mood today is as bright as the sun."
2. "I feel as heavy as a stone."
3. "Like a bird soaring through the sky, my mood is light and free."

Out of these three similes, I would choose the third one, "Like a bird soaring through the sky, my mood is light and free." This simile would best help someone picture how I feel because it combines the image of a bird soaring and the feelings of lightness and freedom. It creates a vivid imagery that represents a positive and uplifted mood.