1. The difference between a metaphor and a simile is that a simile

-uses "like" or "as." ****
-compares two things
-exaggerates things for effect
-uses phrases specific to a region

2. what is the definition of a metaphor?
-figurative language that compares two unlike things directly
-figurative language that exaggerates or overstates for effect
-figurative language that two unlike things by using "like" or "as"
-figurative language that lends human qualities to animals, objects, or ideas****

3. A context clue is text around figurative language that
-clarifies it ****
-exaggerates it
-adds human qualities to it
-compares it to something else

4. The faded pink car wheezed as it made its way up the steep hill brimming with potholes.
Which word in the sentence best clarifies the meaning of personification in the phrase "car wheezed"?

5. the shirt was old
Which revised sentence describes the shirt by using a simile?
-the old shirt was a memorial of days gone by*****
-the old shirt looked tired and sad, as though it missed days gone by.
-the old shirt had been around forever, but it reminded him of days gone by.
-the old shirt was like a wearable scrap book, reminding him of days gone by

6. When Mrs. Garcia taught class, the chairs stood straighter. The computers hummed in unison. And, along the front wall, the chalkboards waited impatiently to be tickled by the chalk.
What most likely is the author suggesting through the figurative language in the passage?
-The furniture is alive.
-The classroom is very clean.
-Mrs. Garcia scares the room.
-Mrs. Garcia is a good teacher. *****

1. The difference between a metaphor and a simile is that a simile uses "like" or "as." To determine if a statement is a simile, you need to look for the presence of words like "like" or "as" that compare two things. In the given options, only the first option states that a simile uses "like" or "as," which is correct.

2. The definition of a metaphor is figurative language that compares two unlike things directly. To identify a metaphor, you need to look for direct comparisons between two unlike things without the use of "like" or "as." In the given options, only the first option states that a metaphor compares two unlike things directly, which is the correct definition.

3. A context clue is text around figurative language that clarifies it. Context clues are words, phrases, or sentences that provide hints or explanations to help understand the meaning of a word or phrase. In the case of figurative language, context clues can help clarify its intended meaning. In the given options, only the first option states that a context clue clarifies figurative language, which is correct.

4. In the sentence "The faded pink car wheezed as it made its way up the steep hill brimming with potholes," the word "faded" best clarifies the meaning of personification in the phrase "car wheezed." Personification is a literary device where human characteristics are attributed to non-human objects or entities. In this case, the word "faded" helps to emphasize the personification of the car, implying that it is old and worn out, thus making it wheeze.

5. To describe the shirt using a simile, the revised sentence "the old shirt was like a wearable scrapbook, reminding him of days gone by" uses a comparison using "like." A simile often involves the use of "like" or "as" to create a comparison between two things. In this case, the shirt is compared to a wearable scrapbook, emphasizing its sentimental value and connection to the past.

6. The figurative language in the passage suggests that Mrs. Garcia is a good teacher. The passage uses personification to describe the impact of Mrs. Garcia's teaching. The chairs standing straighter, the computers humming in unison, and the chalkboards waiting impatiently all imply that Mrs. Garcia has a positive influence and brings order, energy, and enthusiasm to the classroom. Therefore, the most likely suggestion through the figurative language in the passage is that Mrs. Garcia is a good teacher.


Believe it or not those are the answers for the 3.7.2 - Quiz: Figures of Speech Quiz

Y’all I hate these fakes. Just took the 3.7.2 Quiz Figures of Speech Quiz and here are the right answers

1.) D
2.) A
3.) A
4.) D
5.) B
6.) D
Here you go 100%!!

here are the answers real answers for 3.7.2 Quiz Figures of Speech Quiz and

1.uses “like” or “as.”
2.been there since the dinosaur era
4.I went to get a shovel
5.The old shirt was like a wearable scrapbook, reminding him of days gone by.
6.They were so interested that they did not move.

ur welcome

you put the wrong answers to the one who posted April 30th now I’m gonna fail LA

I got


So sorry correct answers are

1. A
2. D
3. A
4. A
5. D
6. D