Louisa, Kristen, and Javier live in the same neighborhood. They created a map showing the locations of their houses on the coordinate plane below. Louisa's house is located at , Kristin's house is located at , and Javier's house is located at . On Saturday morning, they all went for walks to their friends' houses. Louisa left her house and walked 3 blocks north, 5 blocks west, and then 1 block south. Kristen left her house and walked 4 blocks south, 7 blocks east, and 3 blocks north. Javier left his house and walked 9 blocks west, 3 blocks north, and then 4 blocks east.

If each unit of the coordinate plane represents 1 block, how many blocks away from each other were Louisa and Javier when they each finished their walks?

Louisa and Javier were 11 blocks away from each other when they finished their walks.